2020 Award for charitable activities
Awarded by Maire Tecnimont for participation in charity events and contribution to socio-cultural integration during the construction of the Amur Gas Processing Plant.

2018 Award by Maire Tecnimont
In December 2018, ACS, which provides integrated maintenance services for Maire Tecnimont at the Amur GPP construction site received an award for compliance with safety regulations and for contributing to the achievement of 5 million working hours without loss of work time was granted an award for safety compliance and for its contribution to achieve 5 million working hours without lost work time.
2015 ACS was recognized as the Sakhalin-1 Contractor of the Year
В октябре 2015 года ACS была награждена компанией Эксон Нефтегаз Лимитед за свои выдающиеся показатели в области безопасности «Подрядчик года 2015» Сахалин-1.

2013 Letter of gratitude
In January 2013, ACS received a letter of gratitude from Total Exploration and Production Russia for the operation with no lost time injuries.