Corporate catering, buffet tables, outside catering
Organization of buffets and shops
+5 850 217
meals served in 2020
from Russian suppliers
customer satisfaction
For more than 28 years, providing catering services has been our core business. We offer catering services for remote onshore and offshore facilities, outside catering, protocol and special events.
Individual solutions are developed for each project, taking into account all the features of the site and the requirements of each client. To ensure a high quality of service at each facility, special attention is paid to food safety and control of all processes, from production to service.

Organization of festive events
In addition to the daily on-site corporate catering, we organize such events as festive lunches, dinners, buffet receptions, as well as outdoor events.
Outside catering
Some customers require an on-the-job catering service for employees in areas located far from the main dining areas. In this case, we offer outside catering services.
Транспортировка блюд осуществляется с применением специализированного оборудования — термобоксов для перевозки жидкостей, готовых основных блюд, кулинарных изделий, десертов, а соблюдение всех требований позволяет обеспечить сохранение температуры горячих блюд не ниже +65 °С, а холодных закусок и салатов не выше +7 °С.

Organization of buffets and shops
Remote sites are located in inaccessible areas and for a comfortable stay of the Customers' employees on site, there is sometimes a requirement for on-site shops and buffets.
The range of products is determined according to the number of employees and the Customers' wishes.