Maintenance, Landscaping
Fire safety, Cleaning services
+185 000
sqm of service area
IT solution for inventory management
Our company provides maintenance services for kitchen and laundry equipment, buildings and structures, maintenance of external utility networks: heating, sewerage, cold and hot water, maintenance of internal utility systems, electrical networks, access control systems, including video surveillance systems, maintenance and adjustment of Internet and satellite TV systems, maintenance of over 1000 air conditioning and ventilation systems, minor repairs of premises.
A company-wide innovative IT solution, smart4you, is used to manage spare parts inventories and develop preventive and maintenance schedules.

Fire safety
In order to provide our customers with a comprehensive offer, including in terms of safety, we provide on-site fire safety services: maintenance of fire alarm and fire warning systems, maintenance of fire extinguishing systems including fire pipeline, powder fire extinguishing systems, 24-hour fire protection services.
Our staff participates in training to raise awareness of hazards, take part in evacuation and first aid training and information sessions on measures to take in the event of a fire, etc.
Maintenance of pneumatic tents
ACS provides maintenance services for pneumatic tents, including Modbus systems to keep the pneumatic tents and the indirect-heated diesel heat gun operational.

Improvement of the territory
Landscaping is also important for those who live on the sites. The range of services includes: planting programs adapted to the local climate, lawn mowing, weeding, fertilization, irrigation, plant monitoring, mechanized harvest, snow shoveling, storage, removal and disposal of solid and liquid domestic waste of various hazard classes.
Cleaning services
ACS offers cleaning services for industrial areas, technical premises and equipment that include detailed planning of all services, work in accordance with the flow charts for each facility and the use of environmentally friendly household chemicals.

Other services
The list of services provided by ACS can be extended in line with the Customers' needs. In addition to the above-mentioned services, we operate diesel generator sets to provide power for rotational camps and office buildings, operate an oil-fired boiler plant, provide security services, and this list is not exhaustive.