Reception and accommodation, Laundry services, Cleaning services
Disinfection and deratization services
+300000 sq.m
areas cleaned daily
use of professional household cleaning products
Accommodation services
The accommodation service team provides a warm welcome, is responsible for controlling the arrival and departure of residents and is an important link in the processes aimed at ensuring safety and order.

Laundry service
Particular attention is paid to ensure order and cleanliness on sites that have a significant impact on the productivity of the Customer's workforce. The range of cleaning services consists of interior cleaning, site cleaning as well as disinfection, disinsection and deratisation services.
Cleaning services
Particular attention is paid to ensuring order and cleanliness at the facilities, which have an important impact on the productivity of the customer's personnel. The complex of cleaning services consists of cleaning of internal premises, cleaning of the territory, as well as services for disinfection, disinsection and deratization of premises.