Code of ethics and business conduct

ACS is a subsidiary of the CIS Group.

Given our international presence, cultural differences, we aim to share our values, aspirations and ethics with all our employees around the world, regardless of their positions and backgrounds.

It is very important to us that every CIS Group employee acts in accordance with and shares the same values of transparency, honesty, responsibility and present a model behavior, both individually and as a part of a team. In order to unite people around these values, it is important that all our employees adhere to our professional and ethical rules. Such cohesion helps to strengthen the trust our partners have in us, in particular our customers, suppliers, shareholders and all those who contribute to our operations and development.

В 2004 году CIS Group внедрила антикоррупционную политику в рамках своей Хартии этики, определяющей основные правила, которые должны соблюдаться всеми сторонами. В 2017 году в соответствии с французским законом № 2016-1691 «О прозрачности, борьбе с коррупцией и о модернизации экономики» (известным как Закон Sapin II) CIS Group сделала еще один шаг вперед, начав руководствоваться в своей деятельности также документом «Кодекс антикоррупционного поведения Middlenext».

ACS has a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for Arctic Catering Service LLC employees developed in accordance with the requirements of the CIS Group Anti-Corruption Policy, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Anti-Corruption Enforcement", and other applicable laws of the Russian Federation.


To ensure the proper application of its Code of Conduct, CIS has implemented a whistle-blower confidentiality system for its employees and third parties. If you personally notice any behaviour or practice that does not appear to be compliant with the values stated in the Code of Conduct, we would be grateful if you would report this event by sending an email to the address below:

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